Additional analyses, links to other relevant polls and studies

eupinions Perspectives 6 Feb, 2025
Old Habits Die Hard. A Polish Perspective.
Europe is going its own way? Poles don’t agree.
Jacek Kucharczyk & Małgorzata Kopka-Piątek, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland

eupinions @European Forum Alpbach 2024 26 Aug, 2024
Better Safe Than Sorry
Time to Get Serious about European Strategic Sovereignty
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook

eupinions @Jacques Delors Agora 2024 4 Jul, 2024
EU Priorities for 2030
A workshop with eupinions – results
Isabell Hoffmann & Daniela Schmidt

eupinions & Now Europe 6 Jun, 2024
The Youth Vote
How Young Europeans Could Shape Europe’s Future
Anne Meisiek & Etienne Höra

eupinions @CEPS Ideas Lab 2024 4 Mar, 2024
The War and the Vote: The Panel
Approaching another high-stakes-low-turnout election?
Warm-up Session at CEPS Ideas Lab 2024
Isabell Hoffmann

eupinions @Bürgerfest des Bundespräsidenten 8 Sep, 2023
Was denken Sie über Europa?
Im WIR verbunden - so lautet das Motto
des diesjährigen Bürgerfestes des Bundespräsidenten.
eupinions präsentiert dort neueste Umfragedaten.

eupinions @European Forum Alpbach 2023 25 Aug, 2023
A Bold Europe in a Changing World
This year’s European Forum in Alpbach calls for Europe
to face its future eyes wide open.
eupinions seconds this effort with relevant data.

eupinions @Philea Forum 2023 23 May, 2023
A Europe we need in a world we want
Exploring European Public opinion in advance of the 2024 European election

eupinions @U.S.-German Futures Forum 2022 2 Nov, 2022
Democracy, Digitalization, Dissatisfaction?
Knowledge, attitudes and assessment in U.S. & German public opinion

eupinions @M100 Sanssouci Colloquium 2022 15 Sep, 2022
High Expectations, Low Trust
European public opinion in crisis-ridden times

eupinions echo 2 Feb, 2021
Can the US-European Relationship be Repaired After Trump?
New surveys show Biden's substantial challenge in regaining trust from his international allies

eupinions echo 20 Jan, 2021
Can Europe Gain Herd Immunity Through Vaccination?
Surveys suggest a good rate of overall willingness to get the vaccine but results vary across member states

eupinions echo 8 Jan, 2021
How has the Coronavirus Impacted Europeans' View on the Environment?
Climate change is still a top priority for most EU citizens but few have changed their own ways

eupinions echo 29 Dec, 2020
Where does the European Project stand in 2020?
New survey data shows continued support for EU with some surprising advocates

eupinions echo 9 Dec, 2020
In a Year Dominated by COVID, Support for Populism has Gone Down in Europe
Support for populist believes went down across EU compared to 2019 but effect might be temporary

eupinions echo 30 Nov, 2020
Examining the Results of the Latest Eurobarometer Report – Part 2
Europeans are split about the EU's corona response but optimistic about its future

eupinions echo 19 Nov, 2020
Examining the Results of the Latest Eurobarometer Report - Part 1
In a truly tumultuous year, Europeans still hold the EU in positive regards but are very worried about the European economy.

eupinions echo 3 Nov, 2020
Europeans Have a Clear Favourite in the US Election but are Sceptical of its Fairness
Just 5% of Europeans believe in a completely free and fair US election

eupinions echo 15 Oct, 2020
Europeans view UN in favourable light but are sceptical of its effectiveness
A clear majority speaks out for more international cooperation

eupinions echo 6 Oct, 2020
The Pandemic has Threatened Many Europeans, It Also United Them in a Common Vision for the Future
Only Germany and the Netherlands feel pride in their countries' national COVID response but people everywhere fear greater division coming out of the crisis.

eupinions echo 23 Sep, 2020
One Third of Germans Believe in Secret Powers Controlling the World
In a time when scientific literacy should be key, conspiracy theorists are having a field day

eupinions echo 16 Sep, 2020
Germans are More Afraid of Trump Than the COVID-19 Pandemic
Economic fears trump virus worries but nothing trumps Trump

eupinions echo 9 Sep, 2020
Danes Most Satisfied with Their Government's Corona Response but Sceptical About International Cooperation
While most Europeans are happy with their country's crisis management, many see more division now than before the crisis.

eupinions echo 1 Sep, 2020
COVID-19 Rallied the French Around Their Government, Now They Are Losing Their Faith
Trust in the French government keeps eroding as more and more French people fear a second wave of infection.

eupinions echo 27 Aug, 2020
Europeans See Immigration as Biggest Security Threat Ahead of Climate Change and Terrorism
EU citizens show greater trust in their own governments than in EU to secure and improve military defence.

eupinions echo 21 Aug, 2020
Many Europeans Would Rather Cancel a Vacation Than Having to Abide by Additional Corona Regulations
The prospects of mandatory tests, mask-wearing or even quarantines affect peoples' plans to travel different across the member states.

eupinions echo 14 Aug, 2020
Fewer Swedes Still Expecting to Become Infected
After initial criticism of Sweden's alternative approach towards the corona crisis, sentiments have noticeably cooled down.

eupinions echo 7 Aug, 2020
More Than Half of all EU Citizens are Concerned About Their Online Data
While Europeans mostly worry about online fraud, terrorism, too, is a wide spread concern.

eupinions echo 30 Jul, 2020
Europeans Remain Confident in Judiciary System but Results Vary Across Member States
For the fifth consecutive year, the majority of respondents rate the independence of
courts and judges in their country as good

eupinions echo 22 Jul, 2020
Italians deeply worried about financial security, even after the pandemic
Worries in Italy are shifting from COVID-19 to the economy as the consequences of recession become more and more severe.

eupinions echo 16 Jul, 2020
People's #1 expectation towards the EU remains unchanged while new issues emerge
Climate change most important to Germans as their country takes over the EU Council's presidency

Europeans are Highly Sceptical of EU's Role During the Pandemic
Even with general disillusionment about the EU's crisis management, a majority still wishes for more European cooperation.

Hungarians least disapproving of corruption within the EU
While a majority of Europeans regard corruption as unacceptable, sentiments differ across the EU member states

REFERENCE 11 Mar, 2020
Germans Divided Over Refugees on EU Borders
The crisis at the Greek border raises fears of a 2015 influx

REFERENCE 2 Mar, 2020
Many Europeans Unhappy With Their Democracies
Global numbers show that they’re not alone

REFERENCE 24 Feb, 2020
Russian Opinion on the West Lightens Up
Since the height of the 2014-2015 Ukraine war, antagonism is sloping downwards

REFERENCE 14 Feb, 2020
Trump Particularly Unpopular in Europe
But his numbers have inched up almost everywhere since 2017

REFERENCE 10 Feb, 2020
Europeans Anxious About Cybercrime
They may understand it better, but this doesn’t protect them

REFERENCE 31 Jan, 2020
In Europe and Beyond, Ever More People are Sacrificing for the Climate
And many more say they plan to in 2020. But are the numbers too high?

REFERENCE 27 Jan, 2020
The Eurobarometer controversy
EU popularity, response rates and one journalist's critique
by Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

REFERENCE 10 Jan, 2020
Recent Immigrants Integrating Ever Faster in Germany
Survey shows newcomers fitting in better than expected

REFERENCE 30 Dec, 2019
High Marks for EU International Trade Policies
The positive impressions reflect EU accomplishments over a decade

REFERENCE 9 Dec, 2019
Antisemitism is Alive, Pervasive, and Underreported in Europe
In most member states, it’s on the rise along with anti-Jewish attacks

REFERENCE 11 Nov, 2019
Europeans Are Happier Than Ever
Poll shows that wealth, age, friendships, family, and education are critical determinants of well-being

REFERENCE 31 Oct, 2019
Support for LGBTI Rights Grows in Europe
But that tolerance has its limits; in Central Europe antagonism is still high

REFERENCE 25 Oct, 2019
Europeans Say That International Development Works
A full 73% want aid to remain the same or increase

REFERENCE 15 Oct, 2019
A Muslim in the Neighborhood is Quite All Right, say Europeans
But as part of the family, that’s a bit different

REFERENCE 9 Oct, 2019
On China, the World’s Nations Hold Decidedly Mixed Opinions
In most of Europe, the US and Canada, they’ve turned for the worse since 2018

REFERENCE 30 Sep, 2019
Europeans Largely Empathize with Growing Number of Homeless People
A solid majority wants to see more effective policies

Reference 24 Sep, 2019
EU Matters Not Prominent in Polish Election Campaign
This is exactly the way the ruling PiS party wants it
by Maciej Górecki

REFERENCE 16 Sep, 2019
By a Hair’s Breadth, Northern Ireland Could Accept Irish Unification
But deep divisions still exist between the religious communities

REFERENCE 9 Sep, 2019
Europeans Drink More Alcohol than People Elsewhere
But consumption is decreasing in Europe, in contrast to Southeast Asia

REFERENCE 2 Sep, 2019
New Poll Shows Scotland Would Vote to Secede From UK
And 41% of UK voters say Scots should have second independence referendum if they want it

Reference 28 Aug, 2019
Germany’s East Still Ticks Differently Than the West
Three regional votes should buoy the far right, say polls

REFERENCE 19 Aug, 2019
EU Citizens Remain Against Further Enlargement
Germans lead the opposition, followed by Austrians

REFERENCE 9 Aug, 2019
Europe Gets High Marks, Despite Problems
In the aftermath of the May EU vote, more are optimistic than since 2004

REFERENCE 1 Aug, 2019
Many Poor Europeans Stuck at Home During Holidays
But more make it abroad once a year than in past years

REFERENCE 15 Jul, 2019
Most Europeans Trust Vaccines to Prevent Disease
But there’s still plentiful disinformation clouding the public sphere

REFERENCE 8 Jul, 2019
Europeans Mostly Unfamiliar With How Algorithms Affect Them
The Poles least so – and they’re not worried about them either

REFERENCE 1 Jul, 2019
Europeans Like Their Neighbourhoods
But they’re not satisfied with the economic outlook, especially for young people

REFERENCE 24 Jun, 2019
Boris Johnson and Brexit Favored Overwhelmingly by British Conservatives
Even if it brings the Tory party’s destruction, it’s worth it, shows new poll

REFERENCE 14 Jun, 2019
At Least Some in the EU Know Their Digital Rights
Swedes are best informed; Italians least so

ANALYSIS 6 Jun, 2019
After the Vote: Does the Parliament Still Come First?
How the Spitzenkandidaten process can be saved – and Manfred Weber become Commission President after all
by Frank Schimmelfennig

REFERENCE 27 May, 2019
Poll Shows that Consciousness about Biodiversity is Up
But most Europeans aren’t familiar with the EU’s role in protecting it

REFERENCE 20 May, 2019
Europeans Express Support for EU and a Fear of War in Pre-Election Survey
Young people in particular say that war in Europe could happen

ANALYSIS 13 May, 2019
How Brexit Will Affect the European Parliament Election
And how the European Parliament vote will impact Brexit
By Sara Hobolt

REFERENCE 6 May, 2019
Liberal and Illiberal Currents Vie in Europe’s Demos
Pew survey finds that social conditions affect attitudes about democracy

REFERENCE 29 Apr, 2019
Survey Shows EU’s Approval at Record High
Europeans want the European Parliament more involved in crossborder issues

REFERENCE 22 Apr, 2019
Eurobarometer on New Online Benefits
The crossborder portability regulation enables access to online content services across the EU

REFERENCE 15 Apr, 2019
Domestic Issues More Critical to EU Voters Than Immigration
Recent polling shows that unemployment and corruption top concerns

ANALYSIS 1 Apr, 2019
Why Not Europe First?
A Europe-wide party system could counter “my nation first” campaigns
By Thomas König

REFERENCE 25 Mar, 2019
Europeans Hold Differentiated Views of the EU
But most see it positively and as a force for stability, shows new Pew survey

REFERENCE 18 Mar, 2019
The Collaborative Economy is Catching on, if Slowly
Nearly a quarter of Europeans have used such platforms

ANALYSIS 14 Mar, 2019
Misperceptions of Immigration
Falsehoods and cliches could tip the EP election
By Virginie Guiraudon

ANALYSIS 4 Mar, 2019
Engaging with Globalization’s Losers?
No easy job for established parties
By Stefanie Walter

REFERENCE 25 Feb, 2019
Europeans Alarmed about Sanctity of Democracy and Elections
Top concerns: cyberattacks, covert influence of foreign actors

REFERENCE 18 Feb, 2019
EU Parliament Election in May Could Spell Trouble for Europe’s Big Parties
Conservatives and Social Democrats look set to lose out

REFERENCE 11 Feb, 2019
Europeans Back EU Space Program
Even if they admit that they know little about it

REFERENCE 4 Feb, 2019
About Half of all Europeans Think Antisemitism a Serious Problem, Finds Poll
Only one in four believes that the Holocaust is adequately taught in schools

REFERENCE 29 Jan, 2019
EU Agriculture Policy Gets Passing Grades
Citizens think CAP help secure a stable supply of food in the EU

REFERENCE 21 Jan, 2019
Despite its Troubles, the Euro is More Popular Than Ever
Central Europeans see the European economy positively

ANALYSIS 14 Jan, 2019
Is Openness an Opportunity or a Threat?
Globalization is widening divisions in societies around the world
By Philipp Hübl

REFERENCE 8 Jan, 2019
Europeans Overwhelmingly Appreciate Border-Free Travel
The EU’s external borders, however, require more security, they say

REFERENCE 20 Dec, 2018
New Survey of Europe's Far Right Voters
In Germany and France, disorientation, not racism, explains the hard-right vote

Analysis 17 Dec, 2018
What can we expect from
the 2019 EU elections?
In an age of populism, news media coverage of the campaign will be critical
By Claes de Vreese

REFERENCE 5 Dec, 2018
Europeans are convinced of climate change
But it doesn't determine their political preferences

Analysis 26 Nov, 2018
What Sort of Europe?
It's not a simple question of exit or remain, but rather of the kind of EU we want
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann