eupinions slides 27 Feb, 2025
A Source of Instability?
Tracking Shifts in German Public Opinion
Before the 2025 Federal Election
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. De Vries

eupinions Perspectives 6 Feb, 2025
Old Habits Die Hard. A Polish Perspective.
Europe is going its own way? Poles don’t agree.
Jacek Kucharczyk & Małgorzata Kopka-Piątek, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland

eupinions slides 20 Jan, 2025
Old Habits Die Hard – CHECKBACK
Remaking the Transatlantic Partnership:
September Data updated in December 2024
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 20 Nov, 2024
Old Habits Die Hard
Part I:
Remaking the Transatlantic Partnership:
EU and US Public Opinion
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 20 Nov, 2024
Old Habits Die Hard – Member States Report
Part II:
Remaking the Transatlantic Partnership:
Public Opinion in the EU and seven Member States
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

study 7 May, 2024
The Von der Leyen Effect
High visibility, low accountability
Catherine E. De Vries, Isabell Hoffmann & Simon Hix
In partnership with IEP@BU
of Europeans know the name of the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen.
Regarding the desired characteristics of the next Commission president, Europeans express a preference for a practical problem-solver with experience and crisis-management skills.
eupinions 2024/01

eupinions @European Forum Alpbach 2024 26 Aug, 2024
Better Safe Than Sorry
Time to Get Serious about European Strategic Sovereignty
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook

eupinions & Now Europe 6 Jun, 2024
The Youth Vote
How Young Europeans Could Shape Europe’s Future
Anne Meisiek & Etienne Höra

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
The War and the Vote
Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape the Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
Belgium, the War and the Vote
Belgian Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
France, the War and the Vote
French Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
Germany, the War and the Vote
German Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
Italy, the War and the Vote
Italian Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
The Netherlands, the War and the Vote
Dutch Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
Poland, the War and the Vote
Polish Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 14 Feb, 2024
Spain, the War and the Vote
Spanish Europeans Head to the Ballot Box
as Ukrainians Fight for Freedom:
How Will the War Shape their Vote?
Isabell Hoffmann, Catherine E. de Vries & Vicent Climent-Ferrando

eupinions slides 4 Mar, 2024
Ukraine Trends December 2023
Monitoring Europeans’ Support for Ukraine
and Ukrainians: Data Updated Every Quarter
since March 2022
Isabell Hoffmann & Daniela Schmidt

eupinions slides 11 Dec, 2023
A Burden or a Bond?
Support for Ukraine aid is high,
except when it comes to economic issues
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 11 Dec, 2023
Ukraine Trends September 2023
Monitoring Europeans’ Support for Ukraine
and Ukrainians: Data Updated Every Quarter
since March 2022
Isabell Hoffmann & Daniela Schmidt

eupinions @European Forum Alpbach 2023 25 Aug, 2023
A Bold Europe in a Changing World
This year’s European Forum in Alpbach calls for Europe
to face its future eyes wide open.
eupinions seconds this effort with relevant data.

eupinions slides 1 Jun, 2023
Ukraine trends March 2023
Monitoring Europeans’ Support for Ukraine
and Ukrainians: Updated Data Every Quarter
Since March 2022
Isabell Hoffmann & Daniela Schmidt

eupinions @Philea Forum 2023 23 May, 2023
A Europe we need in a world we want
Exploring European Public opinion in advance of the 2024 European election
An eupinions - Philea cooperation

eupinions slides 16 Feb, 2023
Anxious we stand?
Ukrainians are battling for their survival while
European politicians pledge solidarity and
offer aid. But as the war continues, just how
much do Europeans believe in the cause?
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides 1 Dec, 2022
End of Summer, End of Solidarity?
A follow-up to our “Under pressure” report
tracking changing views on Ukraine
(March – September 2022)
Isabell Hoffmann & Catherine de Vries

eupinions @U.S.-German Futures Forum 2022 2 Nov, 2022
Democracy, Digitalization, Dissatisfaction?
Knowledge, attitudes and assessment in U.S. & German public opinion
Isabell Hoffmann

study 5 Oct, 2022
Under pressure
The war in Ukraine and European public opinion
Catherine E. de Vries and Isabell Hoffmann
of EU citizens want the EU to deliver weapons to Ukraine
With prices and fears of further economic disruption on the rise, Europeans’ desire to help will likely be tested. This particularly goes for the possible rationing of gas supplies.
eupinions 2022/1

eupinions @M100 Sanssouci Colloquium 2022 15 Sep, 2022
High Expectations, Low Trust
European public opinion in crisis-ridden times

eupinions slides 2 May, 2022
With a tailwind
Europeans back measures taken in
support of Ukraine but see their
personal prospects compromised

eupinions brief 30 Nov, 2021
After Merkel
Europeans’ attitudes as the EU awaits a
new German government
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

of EU citizens rank the rule of law as very important.
EU citizens are more satisfied with democracy in the EU as compared to their own country.
eupinions 2021/1

eupinions brief 25 May, 2021
Europe Today and Tomorrow:
What Europeans Want
Timothy Garton Ash, Eilidh Macfarlane, Dan Snow

eupinions brief 26 Jan, 2021
What Europeans Want
from the European Union
Timothy Garton Ash, Eilidh Macfarlane, Dan Snow

study 15 Dec, 2020
The Empathy Effect
Empathy and the COVID-19
Pandemic in European Public Opinion
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of EU citizens want the EU to work together in the pandemic.
The good news is, that Europeans are ready for European action. Our numbers show overwhelming support for European cooperation in the pandemic.
eupinions 2020/2

eupinions echo
All European Opinions,
Always Up-To-Date
Check back daily on this feed
for regular new survey results
fom all across the EU!

eupinions brief 23 Nov, 2020
What Europeans say they will do
to combat climate change
Timothy Garton Ash, Antonia Zimmermann, Dan Snow, Eilidh Macfarlane

eupinions brief 28 Oct, 2020
Together apart
Trumpism and its effects on European Public
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

study 28 May, 2020
The Optimism Gap
Personal Complacency versus
Societal Pessimism in
European Public Opinion
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
“While 65% of Germans are optimistic about their personal lives, only 42% are so with regard to their country.”
eupinions 2020/1
„Optimism paradox“ across generations, social groups & countries: „respondents are more optimistic than pessimistic with regard to their own personal future, the opposite holds true with regard for the future of their country“ @BStBrussels @eupinions

eupinions brief 6 May, 2020
In Crisis, Europeans Support Radical Positions
Climate Change and Social Welfare issues most salient
Timothy Garton Ash & Antonia Zimmermann

eupinions brief 31 Jan, 2020
Hello, Goodbye
How the British view their future
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

study 27 Nov, 2019
Great Expectations
The New European Commission,
its Ambition and European Public Opinion
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Germans worry about political radicalism, more than any of their neighbours.

Thx for the interesting data! One take away: credible 'green growth' policies might also be politically attractive. Let´s see how @TimmermansEU does!

study 3 Apr, 2019
The Hopeful, the Fearful and the Furious
Polarization and the 2019 European Parliament Elections
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
66 %
of Europeans intend to vote in the EP elections
Given the rise of popular discontent and populist challenger parties across the Union, two strategic options were on the table: productive disruption and enhanced continuity.
eupinions 2019/1

eupinions brief 6 Feb, 2019
Je t'aime. Moi non plus
How President Macron lost the French public
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

study 5 Nov, 2018
The Power of the Past
How Nostalgia Shapes
European Public Opinion
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
"Nostalgics place themselves more on the right of the political spectrum, while non-nostalgics place themselves more on the left."
eupinions 2018/02

eupinions brief 28 Feb, 2018
Dissatisfied and Disenchanted
How Italians View European and National Politics
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

study 11 Jan, 2018
Globalization and the EU:
Threat or opportunity?
Perception, knowledge and policy preferences
of European citizens
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of globalization optimists want more European integration

study 6 Sep, 2017
A Source of Stability?
German and European public opinion
in times of political polarisation
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Germans are satis- fied with the direction of their country

study 5 May, 2017
Is Right the New Left?
Right wing voters in France and in the EU
and how they differ
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Europeans describe themselves as centrist
Right wing voters are more negative and distrustful of politics compared to left wing voters, regardless of whether it relates to politics at the national, European or international level.
eupinions 2017/02

study 23 Mar, 2017
Supportive but wary
How Europeans feel about the EU 60 years
after the Treaty of Rome
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Europeans supportive of EU membership
(…) people support the idea of a united Europe, but are increasingly wary about its current condition.
eupinions 2017/01

eupinions brief 14 Mar, 2017
Who does support Geert Wilders
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

eupinions brief 14 Dec, 2016
What Millennials Think about the Future of the EU and the Euro
Anna auf dem Brinke, Katharina Gnath & Philipp Ständer

study 1 Dec, 2016
A European Finance Minister
with Budget Autonomy?
Need for reforms of the Eurozone and their
potential, given public opinion in Europe
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Europeans believe a European finance minister is useful
The Europeans see the need for reforms in the Eurozone but they doubt its ability to reform.
eupinions 2016/04

study 30 Nov, 2016
Fear not Values
Public opinion and the populist vote in Europe
Catherine de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Europeans see globalization as a threat

eupinions brief 21 Nov, 2016
Brexit has raised support for the European Union
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann

study 20 Jun, 2016
Keep calm and carry on
What Europeans think about a possible Brexit
by Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of continental Europeans prefer the UK to remain

study 16 Feb, 2016
Border Protection and
Freedom of Movement
What people expect of European
asylum and migration policies
by Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
of Europeans believe asylum seekers should be distributed fairly
(...) it is not only unjust but indeed wrong to suspect EU citizens of being no more than fair-weather Europeans.
eupinions 2016/01

study 1 Oct, 2015
What do the People want?
Opinions, moods and preferences of European citizens
Catherine E. de Vries & Isabell Hoffmann
support for EU throughout the Union
Within EU28 people view that both the EU and their country are moving in the wrong direction
eupinions 2015/01